After having obtained her Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy from Montreal University in 1986, Joan Poirier obtained in 1994 her second degree in osteopathy from the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal (CEO). Her thesis project aimed at establishing a profile of women afflicted with dysmenorrhea.
In 1999, Joan became the owner and associate of the Poirier Viau Osteopathy Clinic. A clinician at heart, Joan welcomes in her daily practice a variety of clients of all ages. She accompanies her patients in all stages of their lives and for a variety of issues (post-traumatic issues, postural problems, visceral dysfunctions, anxiety, post-operative, etc.). Additionally, in order to refine her craft in the art of osteopathy, Joan has taken many post-graduate courses. Ensuring that the clinical aspect of a case is addressed in a global therapeutic fashion, is at the core of Joan’s practice in caring for one’s health.
Furthermore, Joan had been involved at the CEO as a teacher/clinician for more than 15 years. She thoroughly enjoyed mentoring students during their thesis projects, many of which have won prizes for excellence. Joan was also heavily invested in setting up and running the external clinic of the CEO in Montreal for several years. In 2002 she received the Andrew Taylor Still, D.O. bursary award for her exceptional involvement in the promotion, advancement, and recognition of osteopathy. Finally, in 2010 she gathered many clinic owners together to become one of the founding members of the Qualita network which aims to set quality standards for osteopathy clinics across Quebec.
Joan Poirier is a member in good standing of Ostéopathie Québec.